Activity Selection with Profits

This is the source code of my previous course project "Activity Scheduling with Profits".

Project has been written in C# with ASP.NET.

Fully functional project demo is available from

Source code of the main algorithm is put as "SchedulerModels.cs", the other supplementary files such as views, images, scripts, controllers are available from the web site.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace EECS.Models
public interface ISchedulerService
List GetJobsList(Guid deviceId, DateTime start, DateTime end);
void OrderJobsListByFinishTimes(ref List unorderedJobList);
void AttachNearestFinishingJobs(ref List nearestFinishingJobsNotAddedJobList);
int[] FindLargestProfitsWithScheduling(List orderedNearestFinishingJobsFilledJobList);
void GetJobsFromLargestProfitsList(int[] largestProfitScheduling, ref List orderedNearestFinishingJobsFilledJobList);

void SaveRating(Guid userId, Guid jobId, int rating);

void ApplyGreedyApproach(ref List jobs);

public class SchedulerModel

public class SchedulerService : ISchedulerService
DbDataContext db = new DbDataContext();

public List GetJobsList(Guid userId, DateTime start, DateTime end)
var jobs = (from j in db.Jobs
join r in db.Ratings.Where(x => x.UserId == userId) on j.Id equals r.JobId into r_j
from r in r_j.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new Job { Id = j.Id, Duration = j.Duration, Desc = j.Desc, Name = j.Name, StartTime = j.StartTime, Rating = r == null ? 0 : r.Rating1 }).ToList();

* tmp array with size jobs.Count
* int noOfElementsInBetween = 0
* for i=0 to jobs.Count
* if(jobs[i].StartTime >= startDate && jobs[i].FinishTime >= endDate)
* tmp[noOfElementsInBetween] = jobs[i]
* noOfElementsInBetween ++
* result array with size noOfElementsInBetween
* for i=0 to noOfElementsInBetween
* result[i] = tmp[i]
jobs = jobs.Where(x => x.StartTime >= start && x.FinishTime <= end).ToList(); return jobs; } public void OrderJobsListByFinishTimes(ref List jobs)
// takes O(n)
// order jobs by finish times(start+processing)
jobs = jobs.OrderBy(x => x.FinishTime).ToList();

public void AttachNearestFinishingJobs(ref List jobs)
// takes O(nlgn)
// compute H(i) for each element using binary search
int low, high, mid;
int best;
for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Count; i++) { best = 0; // Nearest finishing job found so far. low = 0; high = i - 1; while (low <= high) { mid = (high + low) / 2; if (jobs[mid].FinishTime > jobs[i].StartTime)
high = mid - 1;
else if (jobs[mid].FinishTime < jobs[i].StartTime) { best = mid + 1; low = mid + 1; } } jobs[i].NearestFinishingJob = best; } } public int[] FindLargestProfitsWithScheduling(List jobs)
// takes O(n)
// create an array A to hold the largest profit that we can get by scheduling activities from 1 to i+1.
int[] A = new int[jobs.Count + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i++) { A[i] = 0; } int max = 0; for (int i = 1; i < A.Length; i++) { max = jobs[i - 1].Rating + A[jobs[i - 1].NearestFinishingJob]; if (max < A[i - 1]) { max = A[i - 1]; } A[i] = max; } return A; } public void GetJobsFromLargestProfitsList(int[] A, ref List jobs)
for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Count; i++) jobs[i].IsInBestProfitSchedule = false; int j = jobs.Count; int moveTo = -1; while (j > 0)
if (moveTo != -1)
if (A[j] != moveTo)
moveTo = -1;

if (A[j] != A[j - 1])
jobs[j - 1].IsInBestProfitSchedule = true;
moveTo = A[j] - jobs[j - 1].Rating;

public void SaveRating(Guid userId, Guid jobId, int rating)
var prevRating = db.Ratings.Where(x => x.UserId == userId && x.JobId == jobId).SingleOrDefault();
if (prevRating == null)
db.Ratings.InsertOnSubmit(new Rating { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), JobId = jobId, UserId = userId, Rating1 = rating });
prevRating.Rating1 = rating;

public void ApplyGreedyApproach(ref List jobs)
jobs = jobs.OrderByDescending(x => (double)x.Rating / x.Duration).ToList();

// Order jobs according to pi/duration in decreasing order.
var remainingJobs = jobs.OrderByDescending(x => (double)x.Rating / x.Duration).ToList();

while (remainingJobs.Count > 0) // Try to use all the jobs
// Get the job which gives best profit proportional to duration and then get the next best job which is available after first job.
var selected = remainingJobs[0];

jobs.Where(x => x.Id == selected.Id).Single().IsInBestProfitSchedule = true;

// Remove jobs whose start time or finish time is in between of chosen jobs start and finish time.
remainingJobs = remainingJobs.Where(x => (x.FinishTime <= selected.StartTime && x.StartTime <= selected.StartTime) || (x.FinishTime >= selected.FinishTime && x.StartTime >= selected.FinishTime)).ToList();


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