Google IO 2011 Gift Options

UPDATE: Instructions to claim your Chromebook will be send next week to the e-mail that you registered with.

UPDATE: Google decided to give
Samsung Galaxy Tab(not released to public device ~1 month)
Chromebook(will be shipped on June 15)
to all the attendees !

The ones, who are lucky and be able to register for Google IO 2011, may start to think about what will be the gift or welcome kit for this year?

Why do I care? I am planning to buy a tablet in the beginning of March, what will I do with two identical tablets if they give away tablets this year!

In my opinion; strong possibility is a tablet give away but Google TV option is also slightly possible.
Most probably(and I hope), there will not be another Android phone gift with this year's event. We all have Android phones and already building on top of those.

What do you think? Which one you want to have? (may be Google can look at here to decide;)
(a) Any tablet which runs Honeycomb
(b) Any Google TV with its display
(c) Yet another Android phone
(d) Your choice(please) specify)
(F) I don't care about the gift

This is the old link for the gift registration Google IO 2010:

If Google follow the naming convention of previous year, new gift registration link should look like:

See you all at the conference...


Anonymous said…
i'd prefer they didn't give out a gift... people would be more serious about the conference... flipping freeloaders
Anonymous said…
I do agree on there should be a way on eliminating the people who are registering just for the free stuff! But an Android Tablet could be great ;)
Anonymous said…
I'd prefer an Android Tablet, or an Android Phone. Not all of us going to 2011 have been there before, so don't assume that we all have droid phones already. And as far as not giving a gift, that is a big part of the thrill of going to I/O. It would be a mistake to stop now. Again just because you already got your gifts in the past doesn't mean that new comers should be left out.
Anonymous said…
I would prefer a tablet and a phone. I think that they should find another way to eliminate the people who are not for the conference. I am an android developer and I am going to the conference for knowledge as well as the free gifts. ticket + travel cost me over $1500 dollars. The gifts for me is a way to pay back some of the costs. BTW, I am not making much $$$ to develop android apps (maybe making $100- $200 so far).
Anonymous said…
I think that google should give out one phone, one google tv, and a tablet to every attendee this year.

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