Apple iPad 2 Launch Day at Legacy Village

Yes, I was waiting in the line and yes it took me nearly two hours to purchase an iPad 2 but I think this is something you need to experience when you come to the US. Now I can check, "Waiting in the Apple line to purchase a product at the launch day." item from the list of things to do in the US.

I put a few photos from the line to make this moment everlasting.

At the time I joined the line.(5pm)

After 20 minutes. (5.22pm)

Now it is 5.45pm.

Around 6pm.

In case of a rain apple guys brought us dozens of umbrellas. Fortunately it did not rain or snow while waiting in the line, thanks Ohio.

Here is the line behind me around 6.20pm.

Around 6.45pm and yes I can see the entrence of Apple Store.

Finally I got my iPad 2 with this ticket!!


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