Google+ API is Available(Read Only)

Finally Google+ released an API for developers. Although it is read-only right now, somewhat useful. I think  Google+ needs more push(more frequent releases) otherwise it will not be able to catch up facebook in short time.
Here the e-mail that I received from Google+;

Greetings developers,
Thank you for showing your interest in the Google+ platform on our developer interest form. We promised to let you know when we had more details to share. Well, that time has come...
Today, we’re launching the first of the Google+ APIs. This initial API release is focused on public data only — it lets you read information that people have shared publicly on Google+. Read our blog post for more details.
Also, we’re happy to introduce a new Google+ developers site. This will be the place to go for ourpoliciestermsdiscussions with other developers, access to documentation, tools that make development on the Google+ platform easier and more fun, and of course, the place where announcements concerning new releases will be made.
We’re looking forward to seeing what you build with the API. Today is just the beginning, and your work will affect what comes next, so go ahead and get started.
Happy coding!
- The Google+ platform team


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