Droid RAZR Available Tomorrow 8am

Although Motorola releasing a new device and its pre-order starts tomorrow morning, it won't receive too much attention. As you know, Android community (including developers, us) is waiting for ice cream sandwich (4.0) and Galaxy Nexus which will be released in November.

I think Motorola RAZR release date should be postponed and it should be after Android 4.0 release. I am going to buy a new Android for sure but not Motorola RAZR, I don't mind how good the hardware is, as long as it has the old operating system (Android 2.3) it is useless for me.

But wait, Motorola will release update to Android 4.0! Ahh... Yes sure, we all know that they can do it but when? Second quarter of 2012?! I will wait two more weeks for Galaxy Nexus.


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