When do I use kSOAP?

(img src : http://nicolas-zozol.developpez.com/tutorial/java/rest-jsp-english/)

In my Code Project article, I explained how to use kSOAP library in Android for SOAP web services.

For a long time I have been using REST web services to feed my mobile applications. There are two library alternatives(that's what I used) to consume REST web service on Android: Apache HTTP Client and HttpURLConnection. 

For the new devices(2.3 and higher), I use HttpURLConnection which is provided by Google and supports built-in compression via a simple attribute. Nonetheless, on the older versions of Android OS(2.2 and lower), Apache's solution is more stable than the HttpURLConnection.

Currently, I am developing my mobile applications using PhoneGap which facilitates with jQuery very well. Since I like using simple jQuery methods such as getJSON() and ajax() to invoke REST web services, I move my web service calls to jQuery methods. By this way, the calls become very similar to the ones on the web site of the same project.

For the small projects which run in all .NET environment(servers and clients all .NET) I still use SOAP style web services since it is very easy to write and consume on .NET environments.


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