2013 Cash Back Calendar (Chase Discover)

Sometimes it is hard to remember which credit card should I use at the time of a purchase in order to get the most cash back. For that reason I made a list for myself that shows the credit cards with cash back rates for 2013 calendar.

5% Cash Back
Chase Freedom
  • Gas Stations
  • Drug Stores  
  • Starbucks

  • Restaurants
  • Movie Theaters
  • Gas Stations   
  • Theme Parks
  • Kohl's
  • Select Dept. Stores
  • Amazon.com
  • Restaurants
  • Movies
  • Home Improvement
  • Summer fun
  • Dept. Stores
  • All online shopping

In order to get 5% cash back you need to activate it at the beginning of each term, don't forget!

* This information may change at anytime; therefore, make sure you double check with the bank's web site. Use this chart at your own risk, I don't accept any liability.


Unknown said…
Thanks for your grateful informations, am working in Tourism Portal ,
so it will be a better information’s for me. Try to post best informations like this always
Anonymous said…
Discover not accurate at all
sacoskun said…
Updated the Discover
To help with optimizing your rewards, you might be interested in this credit card rewards calculator. It calculates the best card and also combinations of cards for your entered spending profile.

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