Stanford University(Venture Lab) - Design Thinking Action Lab starts tomorrow!

As you may know, Stanford provides great online lectures/labs for people all around the world for free. One of the courses that I was waiting for will start tomorrow "Design Thinking Action Lab".  

Here is the short description about the course itself from Venture Labs web site. 

"In this experiential course, Stanford lecturer and Epicenter Deputy Director Leticia Britos Cavagnaro and her team will take you on a journey to learn the design thinking process. This methodology for human-centered creative problem solving is used by companies and organizations to drive a culture of innovation. The Design Thinking Action Lab will provide the inspiration, tools and support you need to discover the joy of learning by doing as you tackle an innovation challenge in the real world."

I have no doubt that this lecture will be fun and unique! Thank you Dr. Leticia. 


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