Paul Dubois used to say, "Don't get attached to your work". Never hesitate to throw away and start from scratch. This is how paradigm shifting products are being made!
"Jeanne d'Arc buste" by Photo: VassilStatue: Paul Dubois (1829 - 1905)[1] - Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons.
Most of the time, we need to put space in between two HTML elements to separate them. There are bunch of ways to achieve this but the following are the most common ones that I use: Space character ( ) CSS Margin (margin-right/margin-left) Space character is so natural separate them but CSS margin gives more flexibility. Also recently, I found out that in IE 6, 7, 8, extra space characters between HTML elements are not rendered as intended. For instance regular space character ( ) is rendered without the space on older version of IE (older than 9) a b Result in IE 6, 7, 8: ab Whereas, if you use CSS (e.g. margin-right: 4px), all versions of IE renders it correctly a b Result in all IEs: a b
Alright, today I would like to work a sample web site and browse it not only from my Android Emulator but also from my Android G1 device. Since I did not make the web site public yet, I need to play with "hosts" file in order to direct specific url to my specific intranet IP on Android browser. The steps that I follow to accomplish my goal are provided below; For Android Emulator; 1. From the terminal invoke the adb command with remount option otherwise you will get "failed to copy 'hosts' to '/system/etc/hosts': Read-only file system". adb remount 2. In the terminal pull the default hosts file from /system/etc/hosts or /etc/hosts which is the symlink of the file not only for backup purpose but also to get the file to modify. adb pull /system/etc/hosts /home/player/hostBackup/ 3. Get a copy of the the hosts file in your computer and modify it according to your needs. 4. Now we can push the file directly to the emulator. adb push /home/player/hostBack...
Yes, finally Netflix works on iOS 5 Beta 4!! Two days ago I updated Netflix to a new version and boom it not works on iOS 5 now. But in my opinion iOS 5 is still not ready for a release to public. Here is the latest bug I faced with; After my update to iOS 5 Beta 4, alarm clock on the phone did not work! I had to reset the alarm clock to make it working again, huh.